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1999 Monument  Dedication Ceremonies

Saturday, 11 September 1999


Speech by Shirley Pyron


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Buses lined up after bringing the days visitors.


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View of the Monument from Parking lot.


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Walking up to the monument.


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Outside of the monument looking in.


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Rev. Stanton Cram walking up the hill


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Front View of the monument


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The Monument


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The Monument


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The Monument


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Inside of the fenced area around the monument


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Flowers placed at the front of the monument


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Flowers placed at the front of the monument


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Plaque marking the spot where the pioneers were reburied 


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Looking down on the gathering spectators.


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The arrival of President Hinckley.


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President Hinckley entering the fenced area.


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President Hinckley viewing the monument.


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President Hinckley walking around the monument.


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The LDS Churches Plaque


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Bishop Lee Bracken


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Ron Loving of the Mountain Meadows Association


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Ron Loving 


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Ron Loving 


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Ron Loving presenting 1851 Flag and Baker family letter to President Hinckley.


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Ron Loving and President Hinckley


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Shirley Pyron,  Director, Carroll County Historical Society


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Shirley Pyron


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President Gordon B. Hinckley


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President Gordon B. Hinckley


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President Gordon B. Hinckley


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President Gordon B. Hinckley, Ron Loving


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President Gordon B. Hinckley, Shirley Pyron


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President Gordon B. Hinckley and all speakers


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Ron Loving        Verne Lee


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Donna & Ron Loving & Shane Baker


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President McKonkie and Sheriff Smith


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Mr. & Mrs. Platt


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History Professor Gene Sessions & Mrs. Sessions


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Descendants of Capt. Jack Baker


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Platt Family


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U.S. Forest Ranger Bevan Kilpack and family


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Mr. & Mrs. Don Osborn


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The Bylunds and Platts


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Lee and Charlene Bracken

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Glen Leonard

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Clint Lytle and Mark Owens

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