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Mountain Meadows, Utah
National Historic Landmark


The Mountain Meadows Massacre Site in Washington County, Utah, marks
the location of the September 11, 1857, massacre of 120 emigrants by
 militiamen associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The event was the apex of decades of violence, mistrust, and fear."




Read about our visit to the site of the Mountain Meadows Massacre

From St. George, in the Southwest corner of Utah, go north on state Highway #18 about 30 miles. Look for the signs indicating the parking lot on Dan Sill Hill on the right side of the road.

From Cedar City,  north of St. George on Highway 15, go west on state highway #56 about 35 miles to the intersection of state highways #56 and #18.  Turn south on #18 and go about 11 miles to Enterprise. Continue on south about another 5 miles to the Mountain Meadows.  The monuments are on the south end of the valley.

Just before you go up a small rise into the main parking lot for the 1990 monument on Dan Sill Hill, there is a road on the left. If you take this road, you will go to the 1999 Monument in the valley.

There is a restroom at the Site.

The 2011 Men and Boys Memorial Site is located on Utah Route 18 at milepost 31, on the left. The monument is clearly signed and is approximately 1/2 mile further North of the turnoff for the other Mountain Meadows Monuments.


As the level of awareness of the Mountain Meadows Massacre has increased due to this web site, the news media, and its recent designation as a National Historic Landmark, there are more and more visitors to the area. To those who visit, we would like to ask that you please respect the rights and property of the local landowners and stay in the designated areas. Please - Do not cross fences or closed gates, whether these areas are posted as “No Trespassing” or not. The land that is directly around the Mountain Meadows site is private property. There is nothing that you can see, or find, by crossing the fences. If it could have been picked up, it already has, or it has been covered up during the years since the Massacre.  Please honor the rights of the landowners and do not enter the private property in the area. Thank you!


   1990 Mountain Meadows
  Dan Sill Hill  Monument 
 More Information
Virtual Tour

   1999 Mountain Meadows
Gravesite Monument

  More Information
Virtual Tour

Never to be Forgotten Memorial Photo, Click for full size
 2011 Men and Boys Memorial
More Information






 Leave Flowers for the Victims
At the MMA's Virtual Gravesite
At Find-A-Grave

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