Most current data, as of 7 Sept 2000, on the human osteology
from the 1999 emergency recovery at the mass burial site at the Mountain
Meadows Massacre Site.
- Misc. Fragments not identifiable by element-
- Long Bone and Rib Fragments: 1330
- Irregular bone fragments: 70
Indeterminate (non-diagnostic) bone fragments: 3537 (These are
mostly very small fragments that can not be identified)
The following are numbers for whole and fragmentary
identifiable elements-
- Cranial-Mandible: 20
- Maxilla: 36
- Temporal: 35
- Frontal: 18
- Occipital: 37
- Parietal: 100+
- Sphenoid: 65
- Nasal: 5
- Zygomatic: 5
- Indeterminate vault fragments: 300+
- Loose teeth: 151
- Crania greater than 50% reconstructed: 5
- Crania less than 50% reconstructed: 9
- Post Cranial (all elements exclusive of the skull)-
- Scapula: 73
- Clavicles: 28
- Humerus: 75
- Ulna: 39
- Radius: 40
- Hand bones: 22
- Vertebrae: 124
- Ribs: 259
- Inomminate (Pelvis): 51
- Sacrum: 1
- Femur: 76
- Tibia: 57
- Fibula: 40
- Indeterminate long bones: 246
Minimum number of individuals (MMI): Based on cranial - 21
Based on post cranial - 28
Eighteen discrete individuals identified and partially
Sub-adults or children: 4
Young adults: 11
Older adults: 3
Sex: 10 males, 2 probable males, 2 females, 4 individuals of
indeterminate sex
Stature (average): Males 5'5" (164.6cm), Females
4'11" (148.0cm)
Perimortem trauma: 17 individuals exhibit violent trauma (13
cases of cranial trauma)
6 crania exhibit gunshot entrance wounds
2 crania exhibit gunshot exit wounds
6 crania exhibit blunt force trauma