Sarah Frances (Sallie) Baker was the daughter of George W. and Minerva
(Beller) Baker, and was three years old at the time of the Massacre. Her older sister,
Mary Elizabeth, age 5, and younger brother, William Twitty, age 9 months, also
survived the Mountain Meadows Massacre. She married Joseph Allen Gladden
in 1874. After Gladden's death in 1909, she married Manley C. Mitchell.
The Mountain Meadows Massacre ~
An Episode on The Road To Zion

By Mrs. Sallie Baker Mitchell
Sole Survivor
A Dark Chapter in the Mormons' Epic Struggle to Cling to Their
"Promised Land" as Told by One Who Lived Through the Tragedy
and Can Look Back On It with Intimate Understanding and Compassion
Boston Advertiser - American Weekly
June 16, 1940
(Baker) Mitchell's 1940 Account
Please note: The print in this newspaper article is
very small and it is easier to read if you increase
the page magnification several times.
Transcription of this 1940 Article
Also See:
Sarah Frances (Baker)
Gladden's 1893 Account