Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with M

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Mac Betsill, Jerry (-)
MacMurray, Dorothy H. (14 FEB 1896-)
MacMurray, Lucinda (ABT. 1805-)
Madding, Jack (-)
Madding, Wanda Lee (8 DEC 1935-)
Magness, James (ABT. 1800-)
Magness, James W. (25 MAY 1789-2 AUG 1872)
Magness, Martha Patsy (ABT. 1818-)
Maine, Keith Clinton (-)
Maine, Keith W. (4 DEC 1932-)
Manley, Barbara Michelle (-)
Manley, Kent Duane (-)
Manley, Michael Duane (-)
Marciss, Tony (-)
Mark, Charmaune (-)
Marks, Thomas J. (ABT. 1898-)
marriages), Betty Louise Warren ( six (-)
Marsh, Dorothy Jean (-)
Marshall, Abigail (-)
Marshall, Lauren Marie (-)
Marshall, Marrjorie (-)
Marshall, Peter Otto (Kenny) (-)
Martin, Vanus E. (22 MAY 1918-27 FEB 1993)
Mary), James Cole (son of W.W. and (-)
Masters), Marilyn Harris (married--- (-)
Mathis, Ivan (-)
Mathis, Lela Mae (-)
Mathis, Michael (ABT. 1824-)
McCord, Jane (1835-1912)
McCracken, Dorcas Yell (5 JAN 1863-14 JAN 1962)
McElyea, Floyd , Jr. (-)
McEntire, Lawson A. (-SEP 1857)
McFee, Carol (-)
McGee, Kay (-)
McGee, Kay (-)
McGuire, Minta (ABT. 1891-)
McKennon, Eliza O. (1838-1892)
McKennon, Elizabeth O. (1838-1892)
McKinney, Eva Lenar (30 NOV 1898-)
McKinney, Martha Mandane (ABT. 1843-)
McKnelly, Dorothy (ABT. 1906-)
McNeely, Corinne (-)
McWhirter, George Marshall (ABT. 1855-)
Meadows, Alpha (-)
Mears, Myrtle Rae (DEC 1894-)
Mears, S.D. (-)
Melander, Stanley (-)
Merchant, Betty Anne (-)
Mesnard, Iva Jean (-)
Meyers, James (ABT. 1848-)
Miles, Margaret Ann (-)
Miller, Armilda (ABT. 1835-SEP 1857)
Miller, James William (ABT. 1848-SEP 1857)
Miller, John Calvin (ABT. 1851-)
Miller, Joseph (ABT. 1856-)
Miller, Josiah (ABT. 1827-SEP 1857)
Miller, Mary (ABT. 1853-)
Miller), Karen White Pybus (2nd wife)(1-Pamela (-)
Mitchell, Albert Mose (1875-)
Mitchell, Angeline (10 AUG 1872-21 APR 1954)
Mitchell, Charles Roark (29 FEB 1832-SEP 1857)
Mitchell, George (ABT. 1861-)
Mitchell, Jesse (1845-)
Mitchell, Joel D. (7 DEC 1833-SEP 1857)
Mitchell, John (-SEP 1857)
Mitchell, Johnnie (1880-)
Mitchell, Louisa (1865-)
Mitchell, Mahala (JUL 1882-)
Mitchell, Mark (1850-)
Mitchell, Mary Jane (1867-)
Mitchell, Nancy (21 FEB 1862-4 FEB 1899)
Mitchell, Richard (1841-)
Mitchell, Robert H. (11 MAY 1838-3 MAR 1922)
Mitchell, Rosa Emaline (1878-)
Mitchell, Samuel (1836-1893)
Mitchell, Sarah C. (1848-)
Mitchell, Sarah Caroline (ABT. 1860-)
Mitchell, William C. , Jr. (1840-)
Mitchell, William C. , Sr. (-JUL 1863)
Mitchell, William D. (1870-)
Mitscher, May Elizabeth (ABT. 1900-)
Moller, Marilyn Rene (-)
Montgomery, George (-)
Mooney, Mary Jane (ABT. 1800-)
Moore, Mary Gail (-)
Moore, William Fred (ABT. 1908-)
Morris, Martha (1871-1967)
Morris, Martha Jean (-)
Morris, William (ABT. 1849-)
Morris, William C. (1810-6 AUG 1871)
Mosely, Dennis (ABT. 1838-)
Moynihan, Harold (-)
Murdock, Lester H. (ABT. 1898-)
Murphy, Elizabeth Rebecca (1886-21 MAY 1968)
Murray, Mary E. (25 DEC 1868-4 AUG 1896)
Musser, Ruth Farrell (ABT. 1897-)
Myers, Joseph (ABT. 1854-)

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