This Record
Ms d. 1419
P. I
August 10/57
"Went to East Webber to visit Little Soldier & Bam[?]. Found him much excited in
consequence of an emigrant going from California to the States, who told the Indians that
Brigham was a going to cut all the men's throats and take their women to wife. I told Soldier to be Baptised and then he could
tell when the gentiles told him a lie. He said Tom had been Baptised and lied all the
time. He said that Brigham wanted to kill him...
p.2 ...
when he took their guns away from them in 53, but durst not. I told him that
B[righam] foresaw
that the time was near when the guns would be since & a famine was coming & he
wanted them to learn to farm it as the Mormons did, gave them good homes but they set down
on their but[t]s, howel like so many woolves until he saw it was of no use & told me
to go & give up your guns again.
I asked him
if he knew that the U.S. troops were a coming. He said yes, but he was afraid of them
& he would go a way off into the mountains & wait & see how the Mormons come
out. I told him that was right for the troops would kill them as quick as they would us. I
told him to gather all the berrys that they could & then glean all the wheat they
could & prepare for 7 years seage for B said so. & he said it was good & he
would do it.
[August] 11. Went to Boxelder or the city of Brigham to visit the Shoshones in company
with my son C. A. Huntington. Found [illegible, looks like: Kortatta Pigiband Katani Neat]
& their different bands, 400 in number, men, women & children. Found them much
excited, afraid of being poinend. Made them a feast. Killed 6 beeves & 3 wagon loads
of bread, potatoes, corn & other vegetables. Gave them the President's instructions to
gather all the berries & wheat & cash [cache] it.
p.4. I had understood that
some of the tribe had stolen some of the Calafornios cows, horses & mules. The chief looked much down and after a little he
said he had heard a little that they had & asked me if I was mad. I told him no.
He then asked if Brigham was mad. I
told him no. He could then tell me all abut
it & even show me whare the horses was cashed in the mountains & left them feeling
quite well.
[August] 12. Came to Ogden City. Stayed all knight with C. West, Bishop. Met Judson
Stoddard & Geo Grant a going to see if [illeg] wanted an Indian guide. We went back to Ogden Hole to Battatoes camp to
get a guide. He said he had no man that he
could trust & sent a man up to Box elder to get Jud a gide. Stopped at Ogden Hole & made a feast for 100
more Indians thare. The brethren done first
rate by the Indians.
p.6 ... Came
home & found breathren a leaving going out east to meet an emigration.
[August] 16.
Antero Weyeahoo(?] & wife and 8 more Yumpah Ut[e]s came to see Brigham & have a
talk. Exprest great fears about the troops. Said he would go to the mountains & wait &
see how we got along through the fight. I
told him that was good for did not want any help with these, we could get along with them,
but he might look out when the troops killed us....
p.7 ....
They would kill all of them. But the Indians might run off but God would feel after them
they had got to fight them when the Lord wanted them to fight & they would not then be
a fraid of them. I told them how the Gentiles
had treated the Indians in times past & said he would think of it.
[August] 18.
S Goshah Ut[e]s come from Toeilla, stayed all knight.
Had a talk with them. They exprest
great sorrow on the account of...
p.8 ....the
lack of ammunition. Said they was afraid of the troops & would go home & wait and
see how the troops came out. I told them that if the troops killed us they would then kill
them all, that they & the Mormons was one, but the Lord had throwed the Gentiles a
Sept 30
[August 30] An express came in from Webber Vally stating that there was a great many
Indians a gathering....
p.9 .... at
that place & their intentions was not known. The
President told me to go & see to it. I
started the same day & went to Farmington. Stayd
all knight with Thomas Smith. Next morning
Brother Shepperst (?) took his horses & carriage & carryed me to the place whare
the Indians were encamped, accompanied by Bishop Stoker & Hes[s]
p. 10 whare
we found one hundred & twenty lodges & about one thousand men, women and children. We met Bishop C. West from Ogden with 4 waggon
loads of corn & mellons for the Indians. We
gave them 4 beef cattle & stayed all night & never saw so good a spirit before. I told them that the Lord had come out of his
hiding place & they had to commence their work. I
gave them all the beef cattle & horses that was
on the road to Calafornia, the North rout, that they must put them...
p. I I .... into
the mountains & not kill any thing as long as they could help it, but when they do
kill, take the old ones & not kill the cows or young ones.
They said it
was some thing new. They wanted to council
& think of it. Ben Simons, a Delaware
Indian was thare. I told him all a bout the
Book of Mormon & he said his father had told him about the same thing that they would
have to rise up & fight but he did .......
p. 12 ....
not think it was so near. He said tell
Brother Brigham that we are his friends & if he says the soldiers must not come, it is
enough, the[y] won't come in. He said tell B
that he can depend upon us & I come down to see & if he talk as you do, it is
Tuesday Ist
Sept.57. Konosh the Pahvant Chief, Ammon & wife
(Walker's brother) & 11 Pahvants came in to see B & D &find out about the
p. 13 ..... soldiers.
Tutseygubbit, a Piede Chief over 6
Piedes bands, Youngwuols [?] another Piede & I gave them all the cattle that had gone
to Cal. the south rout
It made them
open their eyes. They sayed that you have
told us not to steal. So I have, but now they
have come to fight us & you, for when they kill us then they will kill you. They sayed
the[y] was afraid to fight the
Americans & so would raise grain and we might fight.
Sept 1/57
Anterro came to see the Pres. & he told him to be at peace with all men except the
Americans & when an Indian stole from another not to be mad with any one else but the
one that stole & when a Ute stole from the Snakes give up that lman that stole to the
Snakes & let them do with him as they had a mind.
But be at peace with all other tribes.
Sept 8/57 Pouolesnoch(?) a Gosha Ute came over to see us
& was told the same.
10 Tutsegubbets &
Yungwid(?) 2 Piede Chiefs came from the Santa
Clarra. Brigham ordained Tutsegubbets an elder & said
that the 2 Nephites that was to tarry would administer to him & told him to go &
preach the gospel & baptize among the House of Israel.